


Irrigation controllers and tap timers are a great way to give your garden the water it needs when it needs it. But some irrigation controllers can be hard to program. Inputting multiple start times is a very common trap that can lead to a lot of wasted water.
Water Saving Tips
Darwin residents are losing a huge amount of water each year in leaks, causing their water bills to shoot up, often with no obvious reason why.
Water Saving Tips
Landscaping of commercial and business properties shares the same principles as any garden. Data from research and consultation found that the majority of water savings for organisations relate to [...]
Water Saving Tips
If you’ve been wondering why your neighbour’s garden is flourishing while yours is looking a little sad, the secret may be more than just green fingers. A glorious garden rarely happens by accident; it usually stems from great planning.
Water Saving Tips
In the wet season, there is really only one irrigation rule of thumb. Turn it off when it rains! However, keep an eye on your garden and water it if it looks really thirsty. Here are some other ways [...]