Gain a better understanding of your water usage

Regular irrigation is necessary to maintain our parks and ovals to a standard that is suitable for all sporting and leisure use. But as we can appreciate, public open green spaces can be deceptive in the amount of water they require and can easily be over watered, resulting in substantial water wastage.

Living Water Smart is working with Darwin, Palmerston and Litchfield local councils to help assess how much water the parks and ovals within their municipalities need and suggesting new smart water irrigation technology where appropriate.  

Smart water systems irrigate according to the needs of the plants and weather conditions, providing the precise amount of water needed to keep our green spaces healthy. Data from the system can reveal inconsistencies or peaks in water usage, so leaks can be picked up quickly and easily.

Living Water Smart is also supporting NT Government agencies and councils with the development of water efficiency management plans and tools for scheduling irrigation.

The benefits are numerous and include:

  • reducing water bills,
  • improving irrigation knowledge and, 
  • enhancing community reputation through sustainable water use (among others).

Further details will be shared in due course, but if you have any questions in the meantime, contact the Living Water Smart team.

To support NT Government agencies and local councils, Living Water Smart is providing free Water Use Health Checks and Garden Tune Ups.