Casuarina Senior College
Rainfall in last hour
Rainfall since midnight
Rainfall in last 7 days
Wind Speed:
Updated on
16 February 2025 at 9:01pm
Your suburb has had more than 30 mm of rain in the last week and you can turn off your irrigation for a couple of days
Use the information here to help you make smart decisions about watering your garden, based on the rainfall in or nearby your suburb. The map below shows the exact location of the weather station in or nearby your suburb.
Remember these guidelines about how much water your garden needs to stay healthy:
- Your garden generally needs at least 10 mm each time it rains, or is watered.
- Your garden generally needs just 30 mm of water over 7 days.
- Every garden is different. Follow the above two guidelines, but always keep an eye on your plants and give them a drink if they look thirsty.